Thursday, October 22, 2015

Responding to Crisis

As our team prepares for crops to begin producing the first week of December we are consistently reminded of how dire an issue food security is becoming for the 1 million + Syrian refugees currently residing in Jordan.  Our latest calculations show that the trial and development farm will feed between 60 and 70 thousand people for a week.  Our team is proud of being able to do so for about 20 cents per person per meal.  5 people for 5 days for 5 dollars was our 2014/15 seasonal average.  We believe that with more land under cultivation and better staff experience we will be able to do even better between December 2015 and May 2016.

In the long term only capacity building among farmers will enhance environmentally sustainable land and water management practices, bring down prices, and reduce wastage - the key issues in improving regional food security.

Click the link below for an excellent explanation of the current state of affairs in Jordan.
PBS Special

Disease resistant varieties of sweet peppers, grown in greenhouses to ensure top quality, are a sustainable path to better income for smallholder farmers across the Jordan Valley and the region.  Each greenhouse will also provide roughly 5 tons of produce for distribution.   

We want to thank our partners at the Australian Embassy for their visit to the farm today and for their tremendous contribution to sustainable development in the Jordan Valley.